Susan Alexander


About Me

Hey, y’all! That’s the words of southern hospitality! I grew up in the upstate of South Carolina and went to Clemson for an elementary education degree. In my sophomore year, I was flown to Myrtle Beach for the day to get engaged. I am sure that started my love for travel. Bill and I got married that summer and the next year moved to Ohio. Since then, we have lived in Ohio, Georgia, Missouri and Michigan before God brought us back to South Carolina! This time this summer to the coast. 

We have been blessed with 4 children and now a daughter in law. With our oldest and his wife in Kansas City, travel is a must but also a passion. The blessings of our friendships from all the places we have lived keeps us traveling too. I am always looking to the calendar to see when and where we can go. I have been able to travel with my husband’s work, with kids’ sports, running events and fun family and friend trips. 

Why GNT?

It was on vacation that I was presented with the opportunity as a tour manager with Good News Travel. This summer we had breakfast with the flower girls from our wedding almost 31 years ago. One of the girls is married to Skip, a salesman with Good News Travel. 

I am just beginning my career as a tour manager with trips to New York and Nashville. I am looking forward to all the opportunities that will come to share places and events with our groups through Good News Travel. The Christian atmosphere and foundation of this company is a blessing to me and I pray that is spread to each one in our tours. 


Travel Musts

A smile is the first thing to take on a trip. Giving it to others is the next thing to do. A phone has everything else you need with a note pad, numbers, camera, maps and apps to share information about our locations. Don’t forget everything else to make your trip comfortable and enjoyable like the comfortable shoes, jacket, blanket and travel pillow!