
National Museum of African American History and Culture

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September, 2016

Washington, D.C. welcomes the National Museum of African American History and Culture located adjacent to the Washington Monument. 

According to, the museum and its 35,000 treasured artifacts are telling a new story about America. In what will likely be the last new building on the National Mall, the museum represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reintroduce important ideas and themes to an eager public.   Take an Interactive Tour

I think the museum needs to be a place that finds the right tension between moments of pain and stories of resiliency and uplift. There will be moments where visitors could cry as they ponder the pains of the past, but they will also find much of the joy and hope that have been a cornerstone of the African-American experience. Ultimately, I trust that our visitors will draw sustenance, inspiration and a commitment from the lessons of history to make America better. At this time in our country, there is a great need for contextualization and the clarity that comes from understanding one’s history. I hope that the museum can play a small part in helping our nation grapple with its tortured racial past. And maybe even help us find a bit of reconciliation.
— Lonnie Bunch, Musuem Director

The NTA reports that galleries will include objects, photographs, moving images, documents and art from many perieods of American history, such as the era of slavery, the post-Civil War Reconstruction years, the Harlem Renaissance and the civil rights movement. @ntaonline @smithsonianmagazine @NMAAHC #whatsnew #gntandyou